Costumer & Artiste

A Thavnairian Miqo'te working to establish trade relations in Eorzea and beyond.

■ RACE & CLAN: Thavnairian
■ GENDER: AFAB Non-Binary
■ AGE: 27
■ NAMEDAY: 31st Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
■ ORIENTATION: Demiromantic, Sapiosexual
■ NATIONALITY: Thavnarian
■ CITIZENSHIP: Thavnair, Ul'dah
■ OCCUPATION: Costumer
■ PATRON DEITY: The Sisters
■ HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 4' 11" (149.61) / 127 ponze (57.61)
■ ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good


Physical Appearance

■ EYES: Aquamarine
■ HAIR: Fiery Red
■ SKIN: Faintly Sun-Kissed
■ BUILD: Petite, Wiry, Athletic, Boyish
■ VOICE: Between Alto & Tenor, Melodic
■ BEARING: Timid, Graceful, Lithe
■ LATERALITY: Left-leaning Ambidextrous
■ SCARS: None
■ MARKINGS: Smatterings of freckles, white Clanmarks
■ STYLE: Fancy Thavnairian
■ AETHERIC PRESENCE: A lot of Untapped Potential

Psychological & Vocal Information

Generally, they are upbeat, if quiet. Until the Final Days, they experienced very little personal loss, their formative years and childhood filled with joy.Like many artistic people, they are their own worst critic, despite having critical and financial success as a costumer in Radz-at-Han.Their voice has something of a melodic quality, though they seem mostly unaware of it outside of when they're actually singing. With a tone hovering along the line between tenor and alto, many people find their voice soothing.

Personal Information

■ PROFESSION: Costumer
■ HOBBIES: Acting, Philosophising, Reading, Art Appreciation, Painting, Music, Singing, Dancing, Storytelling, Writing
■ LANGUAGES: Eorzean, Thavnairian
■ RELIGION: Manusya
■ RESIDENCE: The Quicksands Inn, Ul'dah
■ BIRTHPLACE: Radz-at-Han, Thavnair
■ FEARS: Confrontation, Combat
■ Weaponry: Chakram


extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganised / organised / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between


● Favoured alcoholic beverage: Thavnairian Sunset
● Favoured food: Samosa
● Favoured weather or season: Thunderstorms
● Favoured colour: Purple
● Least favourite drink: Lemonade
● Least favourite food: Lettuce
● Least favourite weather or season: Winter
● Least favourite colour: Orange

Basic Stats

● High: Dexterity, Intelligence, Wits
● Above Average: Aetheric, Perception
● Average: Appearance, Charisma, Sanity, Stamina
● Low: Manipulation, Strength

Aetheric Stats

● Mastery: Kriegstanz
● Expert: Occult, Fencing
● Average: Astrology, Arcanima, Aetherology, Cosmology, Somanoutics
● Novice: Conjury, Dark Arts, Esoterica, Technology, Thaumaturgy

Weapon Stats

● Mastery: Chakrams
● Expert: Rapiers
● Average: Bows, Hand-to-Hand
● Novice: Axes, Firearms, Heavy Swords, Lances, Scythes

Combat-Related Stats

● High: Ranged Weapons, Thrown Weapons
● Above Average: Melee, Stealth
● Average: Archery, Martial Arts, Survival
● Low: Brawl, Intimidation

Combative Abilities

● Accelerated Precognition: While there are more uses for such than combat, their mind can see most paths and outcomes for the world around them. Far from perfect out-of-combat, it does give something of an edge to them during a fight. They are unaware of this ability.

Non-Combat Stats

● High: Awareness, Crafts, Empathy, Expression
● Above Average: Alertness, Caution, Meditation
● Average: Leadership, Medicine, Subterfuge, Streetwise, Research, Investigation
● Low: Magitek, Science, Seduction

Non-Combative Abilities

● Precognition: Usually taking the form of dreams, they can catch glimpses of the future. These flashes are typically about things that are about to transpire. Such visions don't go much further than a year or so into the future.
While extremely vivid, these dreams start out being very difficult to understand, as they don't immediately reveal all the necessary information. A form of trance allows such to be recalled with more and more clarity as the event gets closer and closer.
However, there's rarely perfect clarity to these visions.
● Siren: Though they're unaware, their singing voice is quite hypnotic, influencing the listener's emotions. This is because of her ability to hear the Song of an individual and the Song of the star.

OOC Combat Preferences

Here are some basic thoughts on different combat methods found throughout the XIV RP community!

✔ Contested Rolls: Flat /random between contested parties, highest roll 'wins'. Critical failures are 50 or below, while critical successes are 950 and above.
✔✔ d20 Based Systems: Everyone and everything has a target difficulty that must be reached to succeed.
✔✔ d10 Based Systems: As above, however, 10s are considered an additional level of success.
؟؟ Designated Personal Systems: Any combat system aside from the listed systems, typically designed by a player or an FC/LS.
؟؟؟ Free-form/Honour System: Non-roll based combat, typically runs off of the honour system.


■ FREE COMPANY: Dark Embers

Relationship Status Legend

💞 Relationship💕 Romantic Attraction🍆 Physical Attraction💙 Complicated💛 Platonic Love
💱 Business👤 Acquaintance🎎 Friend🌀 Emotional Conflict⚰️ Deceased
➕ Positive➖ Negative⚪ Neutral⚫ Unsure 

Chanda Lizha



T'degen Lizha




Faithful Companion











Common Rumours

■ "Zephon?! THE ZEPHON?!! I love their work - the costumes I've seen many a dancer and musician wear made by their hand are fantastic!" — Performance Appreciator■ "Oh, the costumer with the white wolf friend? I've seen both of them about Radz-at-Han for years now, though I have no idea where the wolf came from." — Thavnairian Street Rat■ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger

Uncommon Rumours

■ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger

Rare Rumours

■ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger

Restricted Rumours

■ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger

Out of Character

Player Information
There is a lot of information on this character carrd, but it is not completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstories that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumours freely; if you want to use a Rare Rumour as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first to make certain it's alright.
Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that in-game lore has not confirmed should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes. Been pretty dead on with lore predictions.

Out of Character

Character Concepts
Shy artiste.
■ In-Game: T'zephon Lizha@Mateus
■ Mare: LAHXR4SS02
■ F-List: Available upon request
■ Discord: Available upon request
The following is not entirely comprehensive but contains general credits for the outline of this carrd layout.
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.

Character Focuses

Character Focuses

Character Focuses

Character Focuses

NSFW Character Focuses

NSFW Character Focuses